Quick start

  1. First, let's kick the tyres by open the project folder and run the command line:
yarn install

Runnpm startto see your app atlocalhost:3000

Building & Deploying

  1. Runnpm run buildwhich will compile all the necessary files to thebuildfolder.
  2. Upload the contents of thebuildfolder to your web server's root folder.
  3. You can use Apache or any web server to handle the build folder. For more detail how to deploy to S3 or Heroku, please take a look from - https://github.com/react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate/blob/master/docs/general/deployment.md

Building cross platform desktop app (base on Electron library)

  1. Modify electron/script/package.json to edit

    • App name

    • Description

    • Author

    • Version of app

  2. Modify resources for adding icon of app:

    • icon.icns: icon for mac app

    • icon.ico: windows app

    • Folder icons: icon for linux app (optional, can be removed. If removed => autogenerated from icon.icns):

    • Icon inside folder icons must have name in format of size: 32x32

  3. Modify ROOT/package.json (build field) to edit (we have 2 package.json file)

    • App id

    • Category

    • NOTE: directories information should not be modified

  4. To create installer file, run:
    yarn run pack

Note: Installer file will be placed on installer folder. You need the Mac OS to generate the .DMG installer file and the Window OS to generate the .EXE file.

Project config.

As the project is integrated with Wordpress API, you need to upgrade your Wordpress to latest version which support REST API build-in, to check the Wordpress API is available try to paste this URL to your browser to see list of Endpoint support:


Once you have checked the API, you can change the URL config from: app/config/config.json

Replace the wpEndPoint by your wordpress Endpoint: https://your-domain/wp-json

and also update wpURL and CDNUrl if you have CDN config for image assets.

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