1. IDE
There are vary of IDE that you could use to code RN, but i suggest Webstorm or the Atom (atom.io) with better syntax checking and autocomplete, Atom is very cool when developing the stylesheet for the app if you install following package:
- atom-react-native-css: use to generate the SCSS file into JS file.
- Nuclide which is suggested from Facebook
2. Shortcut
on XCode simulator:
Cmd + R: refresh the app
Cmd + D: show the Advance Menu
on Android simulator:
Cmd + M: show the Advance Menu
3. Debug
Select "Debug JS Remotely" then it will open the Chrome browser and you should open DevTool from chrome to put the break point from Source tab.
4. Inspector
Inspector is quite useful when you want to see how is the DOM render from RN, this could be done by select "Show Inspector" right inside the Advance menu, but it a little space to navigate.
For better inspector you may try with Nuclide package, start your app and deactivate chrome or safari debugging. Then, pressing Cmd+Shift+P in Atom will trigger the command palette and you can toggle the dev tools by searching for React Native Inspector: