In order to setup for React Native (RN) template you should connect to the internet and install dependencies library. If you have not chanced to set it up with React Native, please take a look to the document here:

1. Installing

Once you have install node and react-native-cli then you can execute the npm and react-native from the command line. Let go to the root folder of the project after extracting the folder

npm install

This will install some dependencies library:

"color": "0.10.1",
"moment": "2.12.0",
"oauth-1.0a": "^1.0.1",
"react": "15.2.1",
"react-native": "0.30.0",
"react-native-android-statusbar": "0.*",
"react-native-animatable": "0.*",
"react-native-app-intro": "1.*",
"react-native-button": "1.4",
"react-native-drawer": "2.*",
"react-native-drop-refresh": "2.*",
"react-native-gifted-spinner": "0.*",
"react-native-item-checkbox": "1.*",
"react-native-modalbox": "1.*",
"react-native-navbar": "1.*",
"react-native-parallax-scroll-view": "0.*",
"react-native-parallax-view": "2.*",
"react-native-router-flux": "3.*",
"react-native-scrollable-tab-view": "0.*",
"react-native-selectme": "1.*",
"react-native-spinkit": "0.*",
"react-native-swiper": "1.*",
"react-native-vector-icons": "2.*",
"react-native-scrollview-lazyload" : "1.*"

2. Stating the server.

By using these command line:

npm start

Run simulator on Mac OS, you should install XCode to get the iOS simulator:

react-natve run-ios

Run simulator on Window/Linux OS/Mac OS, you should install Android Studio or Genymotion for getting the Android simulator, you need to change the Anroid SDK from file:


Then execute the script to start Android simulator:

react-natve run-android

Let see the quick installing guide via video here:

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